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Low Stock / Out of Stock Alert

Low Stock / Out of Stock Alert image
Low Stock / Out of Stock Alert image
Low Stock / Out of Stock Alert image
Low Stock / Out of Stock Alert image
Low Stock / Out of Stock Alert image
Low Stock / Out of Stock Alert image
Low Stock / Out of Stock Alert
NameCompatibilityVersionSizeLast Updated
Low Stock Alert [4xxx]4.x.x.x1.0.12.27MB29/04/2023Download 

Purpose of this Extension

  1. Whenever an order is placed by the customer, it subtracts the product quantity of the ordered product. This extension will send an alert email to the admin (or any email address or addresses you specify in the setting) whenever the product quantity reaches the mentioned low stock threshold level.
  2. There are 2 types of email alerts.
    • Low Stock Email Alert – Alerts whenever the product quantity reaches below the threshold level
    • Out of Stock Email Alert – Alerts whenever the product quantity reaches 0
  3. This extension comes with an advanced dashboard where it will list all the low stock or out of stock products.
  4. You can update the quantity from this dashboard itself.
  5. You can enable or disable product status easily.
  6. You can enable or disable admin alert emails.


  1. Advanced Low Stock or Out of Stock Reports Dashboard
  2. AJAX filtering / Quick Search
  3. Filter by Category
  4. Filter by Manufacturer
  5. Quick quantity Update
  6. Enable or Disable product status
  7. Product Options Quantity Quick Update
  8. Stock Validation of main quantity with the sum of product option quantity
  9. Colored Row for Out-of-Stock Products
  10. Show or Hide Columns
  11. Create unlimited email templates
  12. Email Template Preview
  13. Auto Disable Product when quantity reached 0
  14. Add Quantity Mode (You do not have to enter total available quantity, just enter the new arrival quantity. It will be added to the existing quantity level)
  15. Work Logs
  16. Event based trigger
  17. Admin Menu in the Left Navigation Panel
  18. Export to CSV

VERSION : 1.0.0DATE RELEASED: 20 Sep 2022

First Release

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